Cape Storm by Rachel Caine

Cape Storm (Weather Warden, #8)

by Rachel Caine

Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin was supposed to be enjoying a romantic honeymoon with her new husband, the Djinn David - not running from a malevolent hurricane bent on destroying her. Joined by an army of fellow Wardens and Djinn on board a hijacked luxury liner, Joanne has lured the storm into furious pursuit. Only one problem: even their combined magic might not be enough to stop it.
Now Joanne's being drawn into dark uncharted territory, both at sea and in a battle for her own soul . . . and if she doesn't change course, her fellow Wardens - and even David's Djinn - won't have any choice but to blow her away.

Reviewed by mitabird on

3 of 5 stars

Cape Storm was OK. Joanne has to deal with a Demon mark and helping the Wardens and Djinn fight Bad Bob. Throughout most the story, she's struggling to maintain her morality and it's a constant fight. Things don't go quite as planned and there was one scene of extreme emotional intensity. Things wrapped up in the usual Caine manner. My fascination with Joanne and company has come to an end, unfortunately. I'll probably read the next in the series, but honestly, I wish the author would wrap it up already.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 12 September, 2009: Finished reading
  • 12 September, 2009: Reviewed