This Earl of Mine by Kate Bateman

This Earl of Mine (Bow Street Bachelors, #1)

by Kate Bateman

Shipping heiress Georgiana Caversteed is done with men who covet her purse more than her person. Even worse than the ton’s lecherous fortune hunters, however, is the cruel cousin determined to force Georgie into marriage. If only she could find a way to be . . . widowed? Georgie hatches a madcap scheme to wed a condemned criminal before he’s set to be executed. What could possibly go wrong?

Benedict William Henry Wylde, scapegrace second son of the late Earl of Morcott and well-known rake, is in Newgate prison undercover, working for Bow Street. Georgie doesn’t realize who he is when she marries him - and she most certainly never expects to bump into her very-much-alive, and very handsome, husband of convenience at a society gathering weeks later. Soon Wylde finds himself courting his own wife, hoping to win her heart since he already has her hand. But how can this seductive rogue convince brazen, beautiful Georgie that he wants to be together... until actual death do they part?

Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

While on a mission for Bow Street, Benedict is somewhat forced to marry heiress, Georgiana Caversteed. Georgie just wants a husband in name only to save her from her lecherous cousin, Josiah. When Benedict and Georgie see each other across a crowded ballroom, the gameplan is demolished.

I was so excited to dig into another Kate Bateman novel! She did not disappoint me with the sweeping romance between Ben and Georgie. I love how she flipped the script with a wealthy woman and a penniless, yet valiant young man.

Of course, there is the dastardly villain to contend with on the pair’s road to wedded bliss. Cousin Josiah is about as disgusting as any money-grabber could be. He never fathomed that Georgie would do something so devious as to sneak out and marry another. His plan to hold all of the Caversteed fortunes is halted, but not forgotten.

As Georgie and Ben get to know one another, the desire for a true marriage becomes almost overwhelming. With a lovestruck younger sister, a hellish cousin, and a rake of a husband, Georgie has her hands full all while trying to run a shipping empire. While Ben initially thinks the best way to proceed is divorce, the determined and kind Georgie turns his entire belief system upside down.

While Bateman wove her love story, she kept me guessing at every turn. I hope she has even more love and secrets to share as the series continues.

I received This Earl of Mine for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 8 February, 2019: Reviewed