The Daughters of Hampshire: Bride of a Distant Isle: A Novel by Sandra Byrd

The Daughters of Hampshire: Bride of a Distant Isle: A Novel

by Sandra Byrd

An unforgettable romance set in Victorian England, Bride of A Distant Isle is the engrossing story of Annabel Ashton, who fights to save her family home and her mother's honor while trying to figure out if the man she loves wants her--or just wants to use her to achieve his own ambitions.

Miss Annabel Ashton is a teacher at the Rogers School for Young Ladies in Winchester when she takes a brief visit to her family home, Highcliffe Hall at Milford-on-Sea. She believes her stay will be short but soon learns that she will not be returning to the safety of the school. Instead, she remains at Highcliffe, at the mercy of her cousin, Edward Everedge.

Annabel protests, but as the illegitimate daughter of a woman who died in an insane asylum, she has little say. Edward is running out of money and puts the house up for sale to avoid financial ruin. He insists that Annabel marry, promising her to a sinister, frightening man. But as the house gets packed for sale, it begins to reveal disquieting secrets. Jewelry, artifacts, and portraits mysteriously appear, suggesting that Annabel may be the true heir of Highcliffe.

She has only a few months to prove her legitimacy, perhaps with assistance from the handsome but troubled Maltese Captain Dell'Acqua. But does he have Annabel's best interests at heart?

And then, a final, most ominous barrier to both her inheritance and her existence appears: a situation neither she nor anyone else could have expected. Will Annabel regain her life and property--and trust her heart--before it's too late?

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars


Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.

Last year, I found myself captivated by the writing in 's first book in the new Daughter of Hampshire series. I knew from reading that one as well as others in the past of Sandra's historicals that I needed to plan some time. When I read Sandra's books I'm not satisfied with a few minutes and done. I want to sit and pour in the details and get enveloped within the story. I have found that to be completely true once again with this latest book, Bride of a Distant Isle.

Intrigue, friendship, romance, hardship, pride, adventure, feminist independence, and gentlemanly flirtations all reside within these pages. 

In addition to these first two books, a third in the series, A Lady in Disguise is tentatively scheduled to publish in 2017 and I can already tell you that I eagerly await that next release as well!

It just so happens that I have had this book in my stack of to be reads for a little longer than usual. As you may have noticed, book reviews have slowed down a little bit as homeschooling has picked up. (Plus there is that Rascal as a toddler reigning a bit of havoc as well...) While still a book in the Daughters of Hampshire series, Bride of a Distant Isle stands completely on its own. This is once again a page-turning gothic Victorian romance with a good bit of mystery. While we had a flare of India in Mist of Midnight, in Bride of a Distant Isle our flavor is decidedly Maltese. While I do not know much about Malta yet, it was interesting to learn snippets of this near Greek and Italy isle. (AppleBlossom will be studying Greece and Rome history next year, so I'm sure to be reaching for more books featuring such locales.) I was captivated from the first page is an earnest statement.

I started reading Bride of a Distant Isle one evening and enjoyed myself that I hated to put it down. Later that night, we had storms and scared children and an insomnia mama and I read and read until finally around 5:30 in the morning I put the book down and blissfully got a few hours of sleep. Sandra Byrd's writing continues to impress me with each new book of hers that I read. While I haven't read her contemporary or youth titles, her historicals are fascinating and entertaining. Filled with vivid details that bring the characters alive and right off of the pages and into my imagination. I always know that with Sandra's books I will not be disappointed and I could definitely recommend this one highly. I'm disappointed that it had to end and now while I will await the next book in the Daughters of Hampshire series, I will attempt to find something to hold me over until then.

What is your favorite Victorian Romance novel?



More Sandra Byrd on Creative Madness Mama… 

This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.

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