Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

"The Marked shows us a world in which magic does truly exist. One must simply know how to create or transfer glyphs onto the skin in order to gain control of them. But as The Marked #4 is quick to prove, that does not mean that power will never fall into the wrong hands.

There are always going to be those that seek power. And as such, there will always be those that abuse that very power. This is something we’ve seen time and time again. Even when playing with those classic elements, The Marked has brought us a unique story worth reading.

This series has been chilling, with ever-increasing stakes and danger. In this world, the concept of secret and shadow societies suddenly makes a whole lot more sense. For this is really not something you’d want the general public reaching for."

Check out the rest of my review over at Word of the Ned

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  • Started reading
  • 16 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 16 February, 2020: Reviewed