The Calling by Kelley Armstrong

The Calling (Darkness Rising, #2)

by Kelley Armstrong

Maya and her friends--all of whom have supernatural powers--have been kidnapped after fleeing from a forest fire they suspect was deliberately set, and after a terrifying helicopter crash they find themselves pursued by evil-doers in the Vancouver Island wilderness.

Reviewed by Suz @ Bookish Revelations on

5 of 5 stars

The Calling is daring and adventurous, starting off with a bang. Maya and her friends are on the run from scientists who only want them for samples of their DNA. They are kidnapped in the beginning and manage to escape later finding out that none of them are human. It's almost a startling revelation, where friendships are tried and tested over and over, and possibly destroyed beyond repair. Hidden discoveries are brought to light, while other purposes begin to unravel completely and small intimate moments of romance begin to blossom between two unlikely characters. Armstrong pens an extremely captivating and enthralling novel, that's highly suspenseful and filled with amazing twists and turns that will keep readers guessing and wondering what's to come next.

Every character (including the supporting) has a reason for their presence that only adds more depth and flavorful personality to the story. Maya is filled with many admirable qualities, yet possesses realistic flaws of her own. She's fiercely strong, amazingly intelligent, and has full of the perfect blend of witty cynicism. She has quite the stubborn streak, but has an equally amazing heart when it comes to those she's loyal to and cares about. Maya is definitely strong and resilient in her survival skills and tactics, while Daniel is becoming more honest with her and the two are growing closer. There is some wonderful character development and progression as this novel continues on.

The specifics of Daniel and Maya's abilities are fleshed out a bit more, as well as more information is being shared and readers get to know Daniel and Sam a little better. It is chalk full of drama and heightened intensity, as it brings some serious trust issues to light. It seems as if they have a hard time trying to figure out who to trust, including each other a good portion of the time. The paranormal element of this novel is unique and fascinating, while the writing style is flawless and creative. Armstrong has a wonderful knack for taking traditional paranormal and penning it in such a way that she almost re-invents it, breathing new life and originality into whatever story she's telling.

The Calling is fast paced, action packed, and filled with amazing adventure and peril at every turn. It contains hidden secrets that are supported by intriguing storylines, and wonderfully developed characters that are simply fascinating to follow. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy the wonderful paranormal authors such as Kim Harrison, Rachel Vincent, and other paranormal books that are thrilling crossovers from adult fiction into the realms of young adult.

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  • 5 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 5 March, 2012: Reviewed