Honor by Jay Crownover

Honor (Breaking Point, #1)

by Jay Crownover

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jay Crownover returns with her most complicated hero yet, in the first book in the romantic suspense series The Breaking Point. Don't be fooled. Don't make excuses for me. I am not a good man. I've seen things no one should, done things no one should talk about. Honor and conscience have no place in my life. But I've fought and I've survived. I've had to. The first time I saw her dancing on that seedy stage in that second rate club, I felt my heart pulse for the first time. Keelyn Foster was too young, too vibrant for this place, and I knew in an instant that I would make her mine. But first I had to climb my way to the top. I had to have something more to offer her. I'm here now, money is no object and I have no equal. Except for her. She's disappeared. But don't worry, I will find her and claim her. She will be mine. Like I said, don't be fooled. I am not the devil in disguise...I'm the one standing front and center.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 3.5 Stars

I was always a Keelyn fan, so I was overjoyed to see her get her HEA. I thought Nassir was a great match for her, and I loved how he became "a real boy" over the course of this story. Oh, and I love that we had a cameo from one of our Marked characters - thanks, Jay!

There were a whole lotta OTT moments, but it's what adds to the soapy-drama-fun. I am really excited about a romance that has been simmering since the Welcome to the Point books, but also intrigued that the next book features Noe.

Overall: As always, Jay delivered a solid romance with interesting and complicated characters and a healthy dose of drama.

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  • 7 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 7 November, 2017: Reviewed