Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

Jordyn was an extremely quick read, but not a very fun one. Jordyn is not your typical teenage girl. She works for Heaven, fighting against Daemons to protect humans from evil. However, she's not an angel like her family. In fact, she doesn't know what she is, and has no memories of her entire life up to about a year ago. Then she meets Emrys, and her world changes. He's a Soul Trader, something Jordan always thought of as bad, but he's not. Everything isn't as black and white as Jordyn was told.

I was actually quite bored with Jordyn as nothing really happens until the end. For the most part it's just Jordyn rebelling against her aunt and uncle, and traveling around with her forbidden boyfriend. If you can even call him that, since they had only met twice before Jordyn swore that she "knows him." Right. I did like how her aunt and uncle did give Emrys a chance by inviting him to dinner and getting to know him. It's nice when a family is actually involved and tries to make compromises. But they are hiding a huge secret from Jordyn, one which I partially figured out early on.

The dialogue in Jordyn really bothered me. It all started when "OMG" appeared. Did she say "oh my god" or did she actually say the letters (which I've done sarcastically)? Or maybe she was channeling her inner caveman and said "omg!" It's just an odd choice to stick chatspeak into spoken conversation. There was also a lot of really weird slang used, which made me cringe. Some of the time I couldn't tell if Jordyn was just joking around, but I suspect that was really how she was meant to talk. Let's not even get into the SHOUTY CAPS!

Jordyn was just not my thing. I was excited to finally give this author a try, but perhaps I should have chosen a different book. Angels aren't my favorite supernatural to begin with, and these ones were pretty boring. The whole "you're not who you think you are, but we were waiting until the right moment to tell you the truth" plot wasn't anything special. No new twists or anything to make it feel fresh. The romance didn't work for me either.

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  • 1 July, 2014: Reviewed