Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Rebecca Shea knows how to give us this female leads that are just a mess. But they always have an inner strength that when they most need it helps them dig themselves out of whatever hole they might find themselves in. Most of the time it's a heartbreaking journey, but the characters have to make the decision of grabbing onto that second chance or risking losing everything. In Lindsay and Matt's story, both of the characters find themselves on a bit of a downward spiral have to find the courage to pull themselves out and fight for what's important to them.

Lindsay and Matt are one of those couples that you can tell are meant for each other the minute you meet them. But sometimes what appears perfect on the outside has cracks a mile wide inside. That was the relationship between Lindsay and Matt. Matt was ready to shout his commitment to Lindsay from the rooftops, where Linsday wanted to keep them secret. But the most damning crack to their relationship came when Lindsay chose her career over the man she loves. That choice devastates both of them in ways they could have never imagined. They both spiral, but Matt is able to cling to a bit more sanity by virtue of his friends and work, where Lindsay is under constant scrutiny and pressure. It's that pressure that causes Lindsay to break down.

It's hard to follow both of the characters and then flounder, because you know that everything would be so much better if one of them would just speak up and admit their separation was killing them. But pride is a hard thing to move out of the way, especially when you don't want to admit when you're wrong. But as Lindsay and Matt finally work towards fixing the wrongs in their relationship, you can see them slowly building a foundation in their relationship that was going to last forever.

UNFORGIVEN is definitely a story about the ability to forgive the one you love more than life and figuring out how to grab onto that second chance at life. It's an emotionally challenging read, but most definitely a book worth reading (and one that can be read without having read the other two). Rebecca Shea is a fabulous voice in New Adult and author you must read.

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  • 20 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 September, 2014: Reviewed