Frostblood by Elly Blake

Frostblood (Frostblood Saga, #1)

by Elly Blake

Seventeen-year-old Ruby is a Fireblood who has concealed her powers of heat and flame from the cruel Frostblood ruling class her entire life. But when her mother is killed trying to protect her, and rebel Frostbloods demand her help to overthrow their bloodthirsty king, she agrees to come out of hiding, desperate to have her revenge.

Despite her unpredictable abilities, Ruby trains with the rebels and the infuriating--yet irresistible--Arcus, who seems to think of her as nothing more than a weapon. But before they can take action, Ruby is captured and forced to compete in the king's tournaments that pit Fireblood prisoners against Frostblood champions. Now she has only one chance to destroy the maniacal ruler who has taken everything from her--and from the icy young man she has come to love.

Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

4 of 5 stars

For a fantasy novel this novel tends to shy away from the typical first book where it doesn't really spend a whole lot of time setting up the world that the story takes place in which for this one really worked out well for it. You are thrown right into the action and you quickly get to learn bits about the history of firebloods and frostbloods. I really did think that bit of romance that was thrown in was very sweet. This book moves along at very fast pace and do feel that we will get more of glimpse of this world as it begins to take a whole new look then how it started in book one. As enemies are vanquished and king takes the throne what will that mean for these two kinds of powers in a world that been dominated by frost.

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  • 4 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 4 January, 2017: Reviewed