The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez

The Friend Zone

by Abby Jimenez

He's the best man . . . and that's the problem.

Kristen Petersen is perfectly fine. She has friends she'd fight to the death for and the very best dog in the world: Stuntman Mike. In fact, everything's calm in the world of Kristen, until she starts to plan her best friend's wedding and meets the best man, Josh Copeland.

Josh is funny, sexy, stands up to her sarcasm, and is always one snack ahead of her hangry. Even Stuntman Mike adores him. But he wants a big family, and Kristen knows children are probably not a part of her future.

She's sure he'd be better off with someone else, someone who can give him everything he wants, so Kristen keeps him at arm's length: in the Friend Zone. But as their attraction grows, it's harder and harder to resist falling for the man who seems to be everything she's not allowed to have . . .

The Friend Zone will have you laughing one moment and grabbing for tissues the next as it tackles the realities of infertility and loss with wit, heart, and a lot of sass.

Perfect for fans of Christina Lauren, Helen Hoang, Sally Thorne, Jo Watson and Sophie Kinsella.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Fate, in the form of a fender bender, brought them together. Their obligations to their respective best friends and a business arrangement, kept them in each other's orbit, but timing and the heart's wishes may keep them apart.

Buckle up, people, because Jimenez took me on an emotional roller coaster ride. The first half of the book was all fun and games, but then stuff got real. Barriers to this relationship between Kristen and Josh were broken down and re-erected, and then something really tragic happened, and I was a snotty crying mess, and then my heart exploded, but I was still crying. Needless to say, I loved every minute of it.

Let's start with how fantastic Kristen was. When I first met her, I automatically wanted to be her friend. She was witty and sarcastic, and came across hard as nails. Josh kept describing her as the "cool girl", and she really was. She owned and operated a doggie business, which produced, among other things, hilarious dog clothing and stairs for every little dog, and she was serious about her food. But, there was so much more to Kristen then met the eye and lots to admire and love about her.

Then, there was the lovely unicorn man - Josh. I don't know how anyone would be able to resist his charms. He was so open and wonderful and warm and inviting. He knew how to be a friend to a women, because his six older sisters' training, and he just understood how to navigate Kristen. There were so many times he was sweet and tender and persistent. Oh! This guy was really willing to fight for her, and that, my friends, made me swoon. And, the TFioS "okay" has been usurped by Josh's "just say okay". I swear, my heart exploded.

Jimenez did such a amazing job shedding light on infertility, as well. Kristen's pain and sorrow was felt in the depths of my heart. I ached for her as she struggled with the pain and treatment and what her condition meant for her future. It's good to see issues, like this, being spotlighted.

I just can't express what a wonderful reading experience this was. I laughed a ton, and cried a river. My heart both exploded and imploded. But, because this was a romance, I was left with a smile on my face and tears of joy in my eyes.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • Started reading
  • 15 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 15 June, 2019: Reviewed