Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

One of the main reasons I read is to be swept away. Some people love the excitement of Hogwarts, the mystery of Narnia, or the hills of The Shire. I, for one, love the small towns with energetic communities, a place I could step on to any street and call home. I've said in my reviews of Kristan Higgins' Blue Herron series, I would love to live in Manningsport. Now, I think I've found my west coast home in the heart of Half Moon Bay.

This is the third in this series, but the first one I've read. I wasn't confused at all, so it is good to read as a stand alone novel. It did have me yearning to find out how exactly Georgie's friends met their leading men.

The first thing that drew me in was the promise of a reclusive, yet handsome, author. I had a fascination with an old movie about an author who goes to an old house to attempt to write in. I've watched countless times and wanted to see if I could get a little of that thrill reading this book. Not only did I get the thrill of romance and the excitement of the chase, but a heaping helping of humor to balance it all out.

Liam comes off gruff and cranky to begin with, but it was perfectly understandable. I warmed up to him instantly once his situation was explained. I was happy we didn't have to wait as long as Georgie did to know what was in Liam's heart and mind. It really helped that Seaton portrayed Liam accurately as a writer. I know I get lost in my head and can write for hours on end without thought of the world around me.

Georgie is the consummate people pleaser who for the very first time in her life is putting herself in front of anything else. That of course is a problem when she has a hot, sexy, author right next door who needs her to build his bookshelves. Try as she might, Georgie can't fight that feeling anymore. But it was a lot of funning reading about how she got there.

Guarding His Heart fits perfectly into the Entangled Bliss imprint. Hot, sweet, and in the perfect setting. Now I need to go back and read book #1, Tangling with the CEO, and book #2, Brushing Off the Boss.

Thanks so much to Annie Seaton and Entangled Bliss for gifting me with a copy of Guarding His Heart in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 March, 2015: Reviewed