Deposed by David Barbaree


by David Barbaree

'Outstanding. An extraordinary recreation of ancient Rome. Miss this at your peril' Ben Kane

More gripping than Game of Thrones and more ruthless than House of Cards - this a stunning new thriller of power, treachery and revenge

*Longlisted for the Historical Writers Association Debut Crown Award*

In a darkened cell, a brutally deposed dictator lies crippled - deprived of his power, his freedom - and his eyes.

On the edge of utter despair, his only companion is the young boy who brings him his meagre rations, a mere child who fears his own shadow. But to one who has held and lost...

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Reviewed by elysium on

4 of 5 stars

The book moves between two timelines: AD 68 which follows Nero when he is imprisoned and blinded in his cell. AD 79 follows Emperor Vespasian’s son Titus who is obsessed uncovering murderous plots against his father. While there is a huge cast with changing POV’s and changing timelines it was easy to follow and it’s clearly stated in what year we are on.

This is a book about what if Nero had lived it was really fascinating. I don’t know that much about this era in Roman history so can’t tell how well it kept with real history.

Marcus is a slave boy who brings Nero’s food when he is imprisoned. When Nero escapes, he takes the boy with him. No longer a slave, Marcus has some troubles adjusting to his new life and to Nero’s expectations of him. Nero has a plan to get back at the people who blinded him and Marcus has a role in it.

My only gripe about the book is that at some parts I felt the story was little far fetched and everything came so easily for Nero. But otherwise, I thought this was a great book and fabulous debut book.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 May, 2017: Reviewed