Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier

Ruby Red (The Ruby Red Trilogy, #1)

by Kerstin Gier

Although I had never seen him before, I recognized him immediately. I'd have known his voice anywhere. This was the guy I'd seen on my last journey back in time.

Or more precisely, the one who'd kissed my doppelganger while I was hiding behind the curtain in disbelief.

Sixteen-year-old Gwen lives with her extended - and rather eccentric - family in an exclusive London neighborhood. In spite of her ancestors' peculiar history, she's had a relatively normal life so far. The time-traveling gene that runs like a secret thread through the female half of the family is supposed to have skipped...

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Reviewed by Kelsenator on

5 of 5 stars

For more reviews make sure to visit Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf!

When I saw that this was about time travel I knew I had to read it! I was enjoying it so much that next thing I knew it was done, and luckily I have the next book so I can go right to it.

There were so many things I liked about this book, especially the interesting characters. The Guardians and their order were so mysterious and you can tell they were hiding many secrets, it was hard to tell who was trustable and not and I loved it. You don’t find out everything in the first book, but I liked not having it all revealed, just means more for the next books!

The Count Saint-Germain was another powerful character, he seemed old and frail when you first meet him but he’s definitely creepy and strong at the same time, and I’m excited to see how he ties into the rest of the series since he’s from the past. Gwyneth was the main character, and although she hasn’t been raised to be a time traveler I think she stands up pretty well. She’s definitely got some strength in her, and quite an opinion, and I can’t wait to see her spread out even more in the next books.

The time travel was awesome of course, not only the historical places and outfits they got to wear, but how it worked and was set up was cool. Like for instance there are 12 time travelers over the ages, and they are all linked by names of gems, but they all play a bigger role that we find out later.

If you’re looking for some time travelling fun with some romance and historical settings then this book is for you!

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  • Started reading
  • 10 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 January, 2013: Reviewed