The Pindar Diamond by Katie Hickman

The Pindar Diamond

by Katie Hickman

Venice, 1604. When rumours of a rare and priceless diamond begin to circulate amongst the gamblers and courtesans of the Venetian demi-monde, the Levant Company merchant Paul Pindar becomes convinced that the jewel is linked to the fate of his former love, Celia Lamprey. As his obsession with the mysterious stone grows it becomes clear that there are other, more sinister forces at play. Is the diamond real, or is it just a trick to lure him to his ruin?

Reviewed by ladygrey on

2 of 5 stars

I received an Advanced Reading Copy so some of these notes may very from the published book.

I was excited to read [b:The Pindar Diamond|7845179|The Pindar Diamond|Katie Hickman||10949650]; a story of mermaids and diamonds and old world superstitions. It was very authentic, drawing the reader into an Italian summer heavy with heat and decadence. It's a story full of intrigue, conflicting loyatlies, betrayal and love.

After an engaging opening sequence the narrative is a little slow getting started, vague nouns that make it difficult to find your place in this story. But once things begin to unfold the story is a suspenseful whirlwind of these disparate elements coming together and for the most part they are woven together with good pacing and interesting character development.

I had serious issues with the ending, or at least one small part of it. All of the story threads are resolved, except one was just so illogical, so out of nowhere it felt contrived and really bothered me.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 21 August, 2010: Finished reading
  • 21 August, 2010: Reviewed