Love in the Time of the Dead by Tera Shanley

Love in the Time of the Dead (Dead Rapture, #1)

by Tera Shanley

Laney Landry has been fighting Deads alongside her brother and friends for three years. But she has a secret. She's immune to Dead bites and has to find the right people to trust with the information. Her team rallies around her to find a doctor who can extract a vaccine from Laney which could fight the virus that ended the world. Sean Daniels leads a colony that provides her team with much needed shelter and supplies. He is obviously interested in Laney. The question is whether he's only intrigued by her as a source for the possible vaccine, or for something more. Tests for the cure might push her body beyond what it can endure, and just as she faces a ghost from her past, her longtime teammate Derek Mitchell hints at an interest in more than just her Dead slaying abilities. Two honorable and alluring men -- one colossal decision to make. Despite historically bad taste in men, can she rise above the chaos of the apocalypse and choose the one who deserves her heart? The right choice could mean the difference between surviving...and just living

Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

SO, this was my first zombie book, to be honest, I don't even know of other romance-esque novels to read that are in the zombie world. Well except, Warm Bodies, which is currently on my kindle, but I haven't read it yet ... besides the point.

Well, I sure did love this book. I love the characters, especially Laney, she's a tough chick and a badass fighter. And her little gift of immunity from zombie fights is a major plus. I pretty much love that she can take care of herself.

Oh the men in this book, they're pretty great too! We've got Derek Mitchell aka Mr. Ladies Man ... but only wants one lady. And there's Sean, just as intriguing as Derek, but what exactly are his intentions? Can't forget about Jarren, Laney's brother, ever protecting, but darn-right caring for his sister.

I despise love triangles and most of the time, it tends to lean towards the person I don't want them to choose. In this story, I would have been OK with either, but I was definitely hoping she'd pick Derek. He's been in her life the longest and has always looked over her, and done her best to protect her ... even though, we all know that she can handle herself. A man can be a womanizer, but they can always be tamed ;) And Laney has quite enough fire to do that!

Sean would be a great match for Laney too, he's a great leader, loving father, and ultimately cares for anyone under his wing. BUT, he had one too many dick moves, when it came to Laney. Sorry, but that's just not ok.

I loved all the action that went on and no, I'm not talking about some of the steamy situations. All the zombie killings, etcetera etcetera ... they were intense and I felt like I was there, while it was happening.

I know this book was leaning towards the love story, it is a romance novel after all, but I really wanted to know more about her immunity and the possibility of her being the cure! I wanted to know what the end story would be with that, it was a very intriguing situation to add onto the story, but it never happened. Was a vaccine made? Did it work? From all the zombie movies that I've seen, seeing how there was a cure was one of my favorite parts because every movie was different.

Overall, I loved the story and I recommend it!

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  • Started reading
  • 20 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 October, 2013: Reviewed