Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


This is the Lexi Blake that I LOVE. I adore getting little glimpses into the lives of some of my favorite couples from Miz Blake's many series (and offshoots). Combine that with some incredibly YUMMY sounded recipes and you have one happy reader (fan).

~My Favorite Of The Short Stories~

Serena's. I LOVED this one because it took place in the town of BLISS the setting of this author's other series under the Sophie Oak moniker. I loved that series, and I loved seeing it connected with the M&M world. Plus I adore Jake and Adam. So win-win.

A close second was Ten and Faith's and Damon's and Penny's

~My Least Favorite Of The Short Stories~

Surprisedly Ian and Charlotte's. Considering how much I LOVE Ian, I thought for sure this one would be my favorite (or very close to it). Oh, it was still good, and I did enjoy it for the most part. I just think it was a bit too silly and over the top for me. Especially the way the girls are portrayed. I get it. They are Ian and Charlotte's kids, BUT they are STILL kids. Young kids at that. So It was a bit eye-rolling that they would be starting fires and shooting people with crossbows. And ya, ya, I know it is meant to be all tongue in cheek funny. As I said, I did enjoy it. But not anywhere close to how much I enjoyed some of the other stories.

~Best Quote Of The Book~
"Serena’s car broke down and then some asshole arrested her, but only because his wife is a huge fan and now they’re going to Misery her."

~A Few Of The Yummy Recipes I Very Much Want To Try~

-- Beef Wellington ( I could eat this ALL day long and for the rest of my life and never get enough of it.)
-- Strawberry Pretzel Salad (yummy)
-- Sausage Ravioli Alfredo
-- Slow Cooker Pizza Chicken
-- Stuffed French Toast
-- Key Lime Pie

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  • Started reading
  • 18 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 18 November, 2017: Reviewed