Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

You can take the girl out of the West, but you can't take the West of the girl. A Bandit's Broken Heart follows Brynne to Boston, where she's now living with her in-laws while her own house is being set up. With her new found fortune, she also continues to help out her neighbors. But instead of stealing (or stealing back), she just leaves food, clothes, and money on their doorsteps. Brynne also isn't taking too well to polite society, feeling bored and useless, so she heads to the clinic on the poorer side of town to volunteer her services. Then when the scarlet fevers comes to town and the clinic's supplies are stolen, Blood Blade must ride again! Oh, and she also falls in love with Dr. Richard Oliver.

A Bandit's Broken Heart started off really good. I loved how Brynne didn't quite fit in, but also wasn't completely ostracized. Her first meeting with Richard was also great! He's witnessed too many young society women come into the clinic, but not be able to handle the work, so he immediately rejects her, not knowing about her medical experience from her bandit days. Then there's an accident at a nearby construction site. Brynne isn't one to sit by idly when she can help, despite the good doctor trying to shoo her away. She proves herself and gets a position in the clinic and in his heart. I very much enjoyed all of this.

The romance in A Bandit's Broken Heart is good enough. I don't think I enjoyed it as much as Leo and Cilla, but I still liked Brynne and Richard together. I actually loved how in love with her he was but totally asked her to marry him for all the wrong reasons! That scene was quite funny when he realized his blunder. I don't think they got enough alone page time for me to get fully invested, but that's because there are too many mini-plots in too few pages. It was just one thing after another, and resolved too quickly. I still fully enjoyed the story, and found it fun and different, but I wish the romance had gotten a bit more development.

In the end, A Bandit's Broken Heart is another fun romance. I loved how even though it was set in the East, it still had that Wild West feel as Brynne dons her duster to track down the thieves. It also has a really solid set up for Lucy's book, which I cannot wait to get to!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 18 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2014: Reviewed