Reviewed by littleread1 on

4 of 5 stars

In the conclusion of The Mirrors of Bershan Trilogy, Hill takes us right back to where Possession left off. Tavis and Faylanna have some great news, but on top of that, the prince's secret is now public knowledge and Faylanna has recovered some lost memories about her mother and her past. So sharing their joy will have to wait for the right time ... if there is ever a right time living in the thick of things as they always seem to be.

The whole Bershan trilogy is hard to place in an age category - if you are looking for steamy romance it is certainly not going to be found here. This trilogy as a whole is very much plot driven, and the relationship is a part of that plot but not the whole plot. However Tavis and Faylanna are so very sweet it almost made my teeth hurt. And that is a good thing! It is a great break from the TSTL (too stupid to live) heroes/heroines, and the bad/good guys that are showing up more and more.

Of course they are not perfect, they are young and still relatively new to the whole bound partner thing, so they make some bad choices and get in fights, but really who doesn't? I mean, other than me of course. I am perfect. *dies laughing* Ok, ok, for real though, Tavis and Faylanna are an adorable couple, and they have trouble learning to think of themselves as worthy of one another's love sometimes. Though understandably they have reasons for their self doubt, and I just wanted to hug them both, and tell them to be happy.

After the first two books, I had a pretty good grasp of the magic used in this world. It is a unique concept and at first it was difficult to understand, but by The Nine, I was able to follow along with minimal effort.

And since this is the last in the trilogy, I do have to talk about the ending, but I will not spoil it for you. Hill does a nice job wrapping things up, leaving no loose ends dangling for the reader. Of course I still want more, but I wasn't left with an overwhelming sense of loss, wondering what was going to happen, knowing I would never find out. It was very bittersweet, saying goodbye to Tavis, Faylanna, and the rest of the Bershan world.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2014: Reviewed