Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

5 of 5 stars

Sonya Curuthers is a medium who specializes in ghost therapy (in other words, seances). Early one morning at the Whispering Pines RV Park, Mr. Pepper wakes to a ghostly woman snuggling up to him and the resulting kerfluffle between the ghost of his dead wife and the spooning specter. sends him running to the woman in charge of the RV park, who calls Sonya for help. When bones are discovered in a pit soon after, Sonya (along with her wee terrier and the ghost of a 19th century Scottish laird) has to use all of her expertise to find a murderer.

I picked up The Ghost in Mr. Pepper's Bed on a whim. The title was just irresistible to me, I had to know just who Mr. Pepper was and of course, why there was a ghost in Mr. Pepper's bed. I dived in and discovered a great mystery, with quirky, likable characters, loads of southern charm and a great plot. (See the rest of my review on Mystereity Book Review Blog)

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  • Started reading
  • 25 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2016: Reviewed