The Human Side by Heaven Liegh Eldeen

The Human Side

by Heaven Liegh Eldeen

From above, Etta's life seems to be calming down in the town of Quantico, Virginia, but with every passing moment away from his love, Rahovart finds the emptiness unbearable. After redeeming himself once again as an Arch, Rahovart is still unable to let his past go. Needing to be near Etta, he strikes a deal with Father-except it turns into a mission with great consequences. With Arch Angel Gabriel in tow, Rahovart sets out to prove himself worthy of Etta's love, only to face discouragement from Etta's father, John, and her new boyfriend, Tristan-on top of the threats made to Etta. Would he be able to protect her if she no longer remembered him or shared they love the once held so dearly? One thing's for sure: The past, with all of its secrets and lies will come back to haunt them all.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

I didn't read the first book in this series, so I wasn't familiar with the characters or what lead to this book. Luckily, the storyline was pretty easy to pick up and follow.

Ra makes a deal with his father which allows him to come back to earth to fight for the woman he loves. If he can win it, he'll return to his full angel rank in heaven and get to keep his girl. If he loses, he must forever stay on earth as a human. The gist of the storyline has the potential to be great, especially since the woman Ra loves doesn't remember him. But I found myself not really connecting with the characters. Given everything that Ra and Etta were going through, I expected the story to be full of emotional drama that had me craving their HEA. Unfortunately, I never got that. Maybe if the story was longer than 140 pages, it would have given the author more time to play the emotional part of the story out. But instead I was left wanting more and not really caring if Ra and Etta truly got their HEA.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 19 April, 2013: Reviewed