Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on

2 of 5 stars

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Remind me to stop expecting so damn much of free kindle books, okay? This is one in a long string of really bad ones. But hey, at least I finished this one... right?

It sounded like something I would really like, based on the synopsis. I usually enjoy books in which there is a "secret" child involved. But this one was just one, huge, giant, meh. I wasn't impressed by ANY aspect of it; the writing, the plot or the characters.

Going by order, let's start with the writing - it needed a lot of polish, quite frankly. And the dialogues... they sounded like how someone who was not a tycoon thought a tycoon might sound, as opposed to how he would really speak. It all sounded very unnatural, or maybe unauthentic is the right word? I didn't believe he was a tycoon based on the dialogues.

Then there was the plot - all one giant misunderstanding (or rather scheme) that could've been solved so freakin' easily if one of them ever spoke of what happened with one another. But noooo, they won't mention it. And where there was a reason to ask questions - like he would say something accusing and she'd have no idea what he was talking about - they conveniently didn't ask WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? which would've solved everything instantly. I hate when there are misunderstandings in books, and even more so when the whole plot hangs on the misunderstanding from start to finish. If you're like me on that aspect, this is definitely not a book you should check out.

The characters...
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  • Started reading
  • 25 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 25 November, 2013: Reviewed