Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

After reading Dark Wine at Midnight, I had many questions. Questions, which I eagerly wanted answers for, and so I as happy to receive a copy Dark Wine at Sunset for review. Unfortunately, because of the many books vying for my attention, I did not get around to reading it until now. My only regret is my waiting so long to pick up this book.

I enjoyed this installment a lot. Filled with suspense and twists that kept me guessing throughout the story. A few humorous scenes had me grinning from ear to ear. Barwin created a perfect blend of suspense, mystery, romance and humor resulting in an addictive and enjoyable tale.

Dark Wine at Sunrise picked up immediately, from where book one left off. I got the answers I sought from the questions which arose in book one. However, there are still more questions that I needed answers for as the danger has not passed and Henry and Cerissa will have bigger obstacles to overcome. Cerrisa is still seeking investors to invest in her lab and she is committed to completing her assignment, which involved uncovering the mastermind behind the underground vampire group. Meanwhile she tries to keep her relationship with Henry secret from her people.

In this installment, I learnt more about Henry and Cerissa. Henry is a centuries old vampire. His sire refuses to relinquish her hold over him. Her actions created problems for him in both his professional and personal life. She was Henry’s weakness and not in a good way.

I gained insight into Cerissa and her people, the Lux. I loved Cerissa. I found her to be strong willed, smart, brave, protective, caring and funny.

After meeting her people, I understood her need to do things outside of the laws they created to keep their people in check. I admired her bravery in that regard.

Henry and Cerissa’s relationship has grown. However, they still had obstacles to overcome. One being Cerissa’s fear of rejection on Henry’s part if she revealed her true form to him. In addition, secrets from Henry’s past, posed a threat. Eventually, they opened up to each other. I am still laughing at Henry’s reaction when he discovered Cerissa’s true form.

The supporting characters made things interesting. There is Rolf, Henry’s business partner and deputy mayor. I found him to be an unlikeable character. I did not trust him and was suspicious of him. Then we have Tig the Chief of Police. A former assassin and a tough as nails female vampire. She is not one to give up, which was clear in her determination to solve the mystery of who tried to kill Henry. She had her work cut out for her. Aside from solving the assassination plot, she had to stop a serial killer was targeting both mortals and vampires. As the story progressed, the connection between the cases as well as Cerissa’s became clear.

I loved the world the author created. Vampires mating with mortals, but not allowed to turn them until they were centuries old. Silver and sunlight were their enemies. There was vampire who was priest, who residents, both vampires and mortals go to seek absolution and counselling when the need arise.

Dark Wine at Sunrise kept me glued to the pages, with its intense and suspenseful storyline and interesting characters. Looking forward to the next book Dark Wine at Dusk

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  • 24 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 24 August, 2019: Reviewed