Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

3 of 5 stars

I gave it 3.5 stars.

I was given a copy of this book by the author to provide a honest review.

The Texas Cowboy is a short and sweet romantic read about Jake a Texan cowboy and Vicky an English girl who is vacationing in Texas. Vicky was visiting her cousin Laura whom she had met on a social network. While having lunch with her cousin, Vicky met Jack and it was quite clear that these two had chemistry between them. Laura did not approve of the two of them getting together as she thought Jack was poor and just a mere ranch hand. However, this all changed when she found out that he owned his own ranch.

I loved the chemistry between Vicky and Jack and I loved the way the romance was developed. Vicky was very likeable. She is honest and open and does not like secrets, however if she is called upon to hold something in confidence she would not hesitate to do so. Jack is a hunky cowboy who has been hurt in a previous relationship and since then has held himself aloof form women. The only real relationship he had is with his sister and his horses. This all changed when he met Vicky the gorgeous English girl.

I did not particularly like Laura. I found her to be shallow and snobbish. She lived a life of luxury and it appears she never worked a day in her life.

I would love to have had more information on Carly. Carly’s is Jack’s ex. She had some really serious issues and I was hoping for more details on this.

I was pulled into the story and found it quite enjoyable but that was before I reached the end. I was quite disappointed with the way the story ended so abruptly. When I came to the end I was literally thinking WHAT THE HECK! Where is the rest of it? I genuinely believe that ending could have been better developed.

Despite the disappointing ending this was a good read and I would recommend it to readers who love their romance stories short, sweet and funny.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 February, 2014: Reviewed