Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Finding a good Chick Lit book is a bit of a rarity these days. I keep trying to get back in to the genre I’ve so loved for years, but I can only really read one a week and I have to be a bit more diverse when picking my reads so I don’t get bored. I thought Faking It sounded like the most delightful read, and I was very pleased to find that I did really enjoy the book.

Faking It has many of the Chick Lit cliches I’ve come to expect, but for once it didn’t seem tired or tripe – YAY! It’s actually been a while since someone has essentially been left at the altar, mind, and I felt so sad for poor Vivia (and even more sad about her full name which was borderline ridiculous). I loved that Vivia had her friend Franny by her side after her douchebag ex became her douchebag ex and that Franny convinced Vivia to head on her honeymoon anyway (although what bloody kind of honeymoon is a bicycling holiday? That sounds like my idea of hell on wheels). Even more so when she stuck it to the man with the engagement ring pics, and become a social media darling. (Doesn’t everyone dream of gaining 1000s of Twitter followers in one sweep? Just me? Oh).

I haven’t always been a big fan of France, it’s never high up on my list of places to visit (Australia is top, with New York/Florida a close second FYI) but I do enjoy reading books set there and, I have to admit, the bicycling did seem a nice way to view France. Not that I would do it myself, I’d like to make THAT clear, before anyone books me a bicycling holiday hehe.

It was so nice to see two best friends enjoying a holiday to France. I wasn’t initially taken on the romance – I liked Luc, yes, but I was suspicious. (Still am, I think, actually.) And I actually thought Vivia had something with Travis Trunnell. Maybe it was just me? I’m so glad this is just the first book in a series, and that Vivia’s story will be continuing with Finding It! It was such a delightful, light read, and probably my only issue was the whole Vivia being a virgin thing, because surely Nathan wasn’t THAT stupid? But, it got rid of him so YAY.

Faking It is such a fun read. Perfect for a summer’s afternoon, or a day down at the beach!

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  • Started reading
  • 24 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 March, 2015: Reviewed