Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

Five years ago Jen thought life was as good as it could get. She'd just become engaged to the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Hours later her heart is shattered when she wakes up to find the man she loves has left her with only a ring to remember him by. Clay left the only woman he'd loved because he had no choice. He did what he thought was right at the time. Now he's back to apologise and Jen wants some answers. Will they be able to ignore the feelings they still harbor for each other whilst Clay is back?

On the surface Jen is a strong woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Under the surface is a someone still struggling with events from the past that have shaped her life to how it is now. She mostly does a good job of hiding her insecurities with her sassy retort, but her nightmares give away a different story.

All Clay wants to do is apologise and head back out to his next job. He's almost grateful that Jen doesn't want to give him the time of the day. But actions can be deceiving... The problems that took him away are still very real and rear their head before Clay gets a chance to explain.

The animosity between the Jen and Clay is palpable. The obvious resentment is very clear as is the underlying sexual tension. The friendly teasing by Derek and Scott adds a fun element to the proceedings-after all they are the only ones who can see the whole picture!

I really enjoyed this novella, even though I normally avoid short stories. I felt that for this particular plot, everything was covered sufficiently without feeling anything was missing. T.J. Kline is one of my go-to authors if I'm looking indulge myself in a cowboy story. Runaway Cowboy is no exception when it comes to the quality of writing I associate with this author.

4 ½ Stars

***arc received courtesy of the publisher via Edelweiss***

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  • 10 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2015: Reviewed