Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

Three words : I loathe J.D.

He needs to be gone, that's all I have to say about that.

The Grace in Darkness picks up right where The Edge of Darkness ended. Aghhhh, I just wanted them to not be tip-toeing around each and find one another again. I got a little ticked at Ryland for not getting past that annoying barrier of want and need. And of course, it was the same towards Araya ...

Ryland Ryland Ryland, 'I don't give a sh*t-Ryland'. And I loved that about him, he was just a brooding man wanting his woman back in his life. He'd even suffer being bossed by his oh-so amazing father, J.D. All for Araya. He pretty much turned out to be the guy that nobody wants to be around, suffering in his own misery. And this misery doesn't want any company.

Araya, as mad as I was at her, she had a lot to get through. She had to deal with her personal issues, focus on herself before she could bring Ryland back into her life. I loved how her character developed, she learned how to be independent and learn the ways around her disability. I just love what she became in this book, she was a completely new person; strong!

Passion, ohhhh the passion between the two! I've missed it and you will all be getting a healthy dose of it. Bring a fan to keep yourselves cool, everyone! Trust me, you're going to need it. Ryland sure likes to take, take , take. Definitely in a way that doesn't have me complaining, Araya doesn't either! I love them together and they truly go through several of trials of being together ... no thanks to a certain someone.

Overall, I loved this book. And I want more of Sebastian and Mak, their story felt so incomplete and the possibility of more. Well that's what I picked up, I hope we get their story :)



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  • 5 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 5 December, 2013: Reviewed