Reviewed by Kim Deister on

4 of 5 stars

Limerick is the second book in the trilogy and my favorite. This is novella-length, at roughly 55 pages, but, in my opinion, the length does not detract from the story. The story is full and the characters are fully formed.

There is far more action than romance in this book, but that fit with the direction of the story. I like that this book doesn't necessarily follow the "good vs. evil" formula of most fantasy. There is that theme, of course, but the lines aren't clearly drawn. There were times when those who were supposed to be "bad" were cast as "good" and vice versa. It kept the story interesting and the plot engaging. Definitely a little bit darker. Next up is Oathbound.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 12 January, 2012: Reviewed