Sweet Resolve by Jill Sanders

Sweet Resolve (Lucky, #2)

by Jill Sanders

Amy Walker is steps away from her perfect job. The day she makes partner at her real estate firm will be the happiest of her life, second only to the day in junior high when her tormentor, Logan Miller, finally moved away. But fate has a warped sense of humor, because Logan is back. In her town, in her office, gunning for the same promotion. Worse, the man is sinfully hot. But that won’t keep Amy from exacting the revenge he richly deserves…

Logan had reasons for acting wild in his youth, but he still regrets the way he treated Amy. Especially once he’s sharing an office with the smart, self-controlled beauty. For one thing, she’s got a wicked sense of payback. For another, he’s realized there’s something he wants much more than a promotion. And that’s to melt the ice he helped form around her heart all those years ago and to prove that loving thine enemy can be the ultimate happy ending.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

**I read an eGalley, which I received from the publisher through Netgalley.

Disclaimer: I love HEA romances, that are not too heavy on the drama, and filled with lots of laughs. THAT is exactly what Jill Sanders delivered in Sweet Resolve. This book focuses on the romance between Amy and her childhood nemesis, Logan. Initially, Amy is seeking revenge, and makes a list of ways to repay Logan for all his past misdeeds. As she gets to know the grown up Logan, she changes her mind.

These two made me sigh and "awww" too many times. I loved them together. Logan was a great hero, and I admired his persistence. There was just enough drama and conflict to keep the story interesting without detracting from how much fun these two were having together. And we even get puppies!!! All the interactions with the dogs were adorable. I must also add, that although this book is very short, Sanders did a great job of giving me a complete story. Normally, I feel a little cheated with novellas, but this was very satisfying.

I will definitely read more books from this series.

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  • 4 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 4 May, 2016: Reviewed