Asa by Jay Crownover

Asa (The Marked Men, #6)

by Jay Crownover

The sixth book in the scorching hot NEW YORK TIMES bestselling MARKED MEN New Adult series

Royal Hastings has been a cop, first and foremost, for most of her adult life. So when a call-out goes wrong and her partner ends up in hospital, she finds herself suspended from the job, indefinitely. With too much time on her hands and a heavy load of guilt weighing her down, she seeks solace in oblivion – otherwise known as a golden-eyed bartender with a rap sheet as long as her arm.

Asa Cross has spent his live on the wrong side of the law, but a near death experience has left him rebuilding his life and relationships. But being good is tougher than it seems – especially when being bad looks as good as Royal does.

On paper, the cop and the con seemed doomed to heartbreak – but when love has stolen your heart, how can you walk away?

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars
This is Asa and Royal's story, but it's also the closing the door on the Marked Men

"We were marked and had been marked in unforgettable and forever ways."

Crownover did a great job of given us closure or at least letting us know the near futures for all our lovely Marked Men, as well as, setting up the first Saints book. This book was a farewell to people we had grown attached to and it was awesome that each and every one made a cameo at some point. But, the point of this book was Asa and Royal. They were both wounded and laden with guilt. Royal's guilt came from what happened to her partner, while Asa's guilt came from his criminal past. Sometimes, I just wanted to pull a Cher a la Moonstruck, you know, I wanted to smack Asa and tell him to "snap out of it!", but Royal actually did a decent job of that. She wanted that man and she went after him with everything she had, and I loved them together. They both were in alien territory and they were learning this relationship stuff together as they went along, but they were also learning to live in the now and let go of the past. I liked all the opportunities Crownover gave to Asa, I was rooting for him, since I met him, and I found the way she dealt with the BIG conflict between Asa and Royal interesting. And alas, I bid a fond adieu to the Marked Men.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2015: Reviewed