Marco Polo by Demi

Marco Polo

by Demi

Many people say Marco Polo was the greatest explorer that ever lived, traveling 33,000 miles by land and sea from Venice, Italy, to what today is known as Beijing, China. His famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, indicates that he was a man of extraordinary bravery, brilliance, and strength. With his uncle and father, he traveled across Turkey, Armenia, the Middle East, the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, and the hot Taklimakan Desert before finally reaching China in 1275. Welcomed by the great emperor Kublai Khan, Marco Polo was amazed by the inventions, riches, and religious tolerance of the great Khan’s kingdom, where Marco remained for the next twenty years.

Inspired by the Eastern culture of the thirteenth century, Demi created illustrations with Chinese inks and gold overlays, and used a mixture of Chinese and Indian embroidery and Italian, Arabian, and Persian designs of gold and ink on silk when creating the borders and frames.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

I'm not surprised that I love this book. Demi's illustrations are so unique to me and provide so much to look at. While at this time this is much longer than what I'd read at one sitting with my girls, it's fun to come back and pick it up again and let everything soak in. We are planning to homeschool and after reading this one on Marco Polo, I went on to find several on the bargain section of Amazon and just doubled our Demi section in our personal home library. I think I'm going to have to try to own them all.

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  • 22 April, 2013: Reviewed