Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

3 of 5 stars



3.5 STARS!

I have no idea why I insist on reading these novellas because it's always leaving me hungry for more. I guess that is the whole point of the amazing 1,001 Dark Nights books, to introduce us to a series to fall in love with.

Novellas are extremely tough to write because authors need to cover all the bases in a limited amount of pages/words. I thoroughly enjoyed this novella, but I'll be honest and say I have not read the other Wilder brother's story yet. I didn't know such a thing existed, so I was quick to add that to my TBR. It definitely felt like I was missing something here and there, but not enough to be thrown off.

This was a quick, low angst and drama-free with just the right amount of everything. It'll get you to want to read Luke & Charlotte's story and hungry for what I hope will be the Wilder sister's story next.

The one thing that I need an answer to is the legal battle the Wilder boys are going through since it was left unanswered. Unless I missed it?

Anyways, definitely a quick read to add to your list and will definitely leave you wanting more. I will always have a love/relationship with novellas, but it's always good!

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  • 12 August, 2018: Reviewed