Dead Men Do Tell Tales by William Maples

Dead Men Do Tell Tales

by William Maples

William Maples was a groundbreaking criminal anthropologist. From a skeleton, a skull, or a mere fragment of bone, he could deduce the age and sex of a corpse and the manner in which the victim met its death. Numerous brutal and vicious murders were solved through his skill in reading the bones of the dead. "Dead Men Do Tell Tales" reveals the fascinating case histories behind some of his most unusual and horrific investigations. In startling and sometimes gruesome detail, but always with remarkable compassion, Dr Maples describes the steps he took in resolving each mystery - from baffling dismemberment cases to the identity of long-buried skeletons.

Reviewed by remo on

5 of 5 stars

Un antropólogo forense nos habla de muchos de los detalles curiosos de su profesión, y le sale un libro extraordinario, interesantísmo. Desde la investigación de escenas del crimen a identificación de restos (al principio del curso que da en la universidad, a los estudiantes les enseña huesos grandes. Al final, todas las muestras que deben identificar caben en una caja de cerillas). Me encantó, me parece una obra maestra.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 December, 2002: Finished reading
  • 10 December, 2002: Reviewed