Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars


So I was completely overwhelmed with my reading schedule a couple of weeks ago, and I was considering not reviewing this but hosting content on the blog…..well I am so glad I found the time to read this – what a little gem!

Like most reviews, I write less is more when it comes to the plot, and more so here. This is a short snappy novella, but that has over 50 chapters in it, each chapter is given a persons’ name as we delve in further into life After Jessica and the mystery of Who is Alexis?

I loved how when reading this you are introduced to different characters by the alternating chapters but Bailey never really reveals the links between everyone until nearer the end and I thought it was clever. I adored it! I didn’t realise I had got to the end at first, I was too gobsmacked by what I had read, jaw had dropped and then I started to read about Ms Bailey! I was like hang on a second what the hell. It was fab!

The beginning was shocking, the ending was shocking and the middle tied up a lot of loose ends and made for a thoroughly enjoyable read. It is easy to read this in one sitting because the short snappy chapters got me falling into the one more chapter trap! I could not wait to see how everything would play out and how the fallout from Jessica’s death would affect everyone. All I could think about was the six degrees of separation theory because it so rang true here!

Being a novella, you are never sure if you would get enough time to care about the characters or whether or not you would be engaged enough in the storyline. By heck was I both! In so few pages I was hooked and I knew I had to finish this book.

This is not my first rodeo with Bailey so I knew I would be in for a treat, as I have loved her other book albeit completely different genre to this! I will be back again very soon with another book to champion about!

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  • Started reading
  • 11 April, 2019: Finished reading
  • 11 April, 2019: Reviewed