The Parisian Christmas Bake Off by Jenny Oliver

The Parisian Christmas Bake Off

by Jenny Oliver

'You know you're in for a treat when you open a Jenny Oliver book' Debbie Johnson Welcome to the most celebrated patisserie competition in Paris – ready, steady, bake!

Watching snowflakes settle on the Eiffel Tower, Rachel Smithson’s cosy English village feels very far way – as, thankfully, does her commitment-phobic ex, probably already kissing someone else under the mistletoe. But Rachel hasn’t come to Paris to mope she’s come to bake. Hard.

Because the search for Paris’s next patisserie apprentice is about to begin! And super-chef judge Henri Salernes is an infamously tough cookie. But Rachel isn’t about to let her confidence (or pastry) crumble. She’s got one week, mounds of melt-in-the-mouth macaroons and towers of perfect profiteroles to prove that she really is a star baker.

As well as clouds of flour, and wafts of chocolate and cinnamon, there’s definitely a touch of Christmas magic in the air… Rachel hasn’t come to Paris looking for a fairy-tale romance, but the city of love might gift-wrap her one anyway…

Not even a dusting of icing sugar could make The Parisian Christmas Bake Off a more perfect Christmas treat!

Praise for Jenny Oliver

'I thoroughly enjoyed this book it had a sprinkling of festivity, a touch of romance and a glorious amount of mouth-watering baking!' – Rea Book Review

'With gorgeous descriptions of Paris, Christmas, copious amounts of delicious baking that’ll make your mouth water, and lots and lots of snow – what more could you ask for from a Christmas novel!' – Bookboodle

'The baking part of the book is incredibly well written; fans of The Great British Bake Off will not be disappointed to see all their favourites in here! This is a lovely little read that is perfect for the festive period!' – Hanging on Every Word

'What a fun Christmas story! I loved the sound of this one and it was just as scrumptious as I had hoped!' – Fabulous Book Fiend

'This is a festive read, but could equally be enjoyed at any time of the year - a lovely story to read with a huge cup of hot chocolate. And of course, a large wedge of cake.' – Books with Bunny

'…it was everything I enjoy. Oliver did a wonderful job of allowing us to immerse ourselves in the lives of the pair, she created characters that were likeable and well rounded…I couldn’t find a single flaw in the book.' – 5* stars from Afternoon Bookery to The Little Christmas Kitchen

Reviewed by Leah on

3 of 5 stars

Everyone knows that The Great British Bake Off is one of the most popular shows on tv – everyone watches it, although I admit I do not. Mostly because my work schedule means I can never keep up with a show like that, it’s the same reason I don’t watch the X Factor. I can see why it’s popular though cos everyone loves a baked product! So when I was offered the chance to review The Parisian Christmas Bake Off, I jumped at the chance because I really liked the sound of it, and I read it immediately.

The Parisian Christmas Bake Off is actually quite a short novel, but it’s not a bad book at all; it’s not perfect but it’s not bad either. It’s about Rachel, whose work colleagues enter her into a competition that’s taking place in Paris – a baking competition. She heads off, not sure at all what she’s going to face but willing to Give it her all. But when she gets there she realises it’s not going to be as easy as she though especially as it seems the head chef Henri hates her! Will Rachel win the bake off? You’ll have to read it to find out…

I enjoyed the Parisian Christmas Bake Off, it was sweet and I definitely enjoyed the Paris setting. Paris at Christmas sounds quite lovely. I raced through it in about an hour and a half so it’s by no means a long read, but it’s cute. Henri was your typical chef – loud, sweary, always right etc and I didn’t like him very much. He was too over the top for me. But I liked Rachel, and the other characters in the novel. I especially liked Chantal, whose the helper at the house where Rachel stays. She was sooooo sweet! This will definitely appeal to all baking fans, they’ll lap it up!

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  • 26 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 26 October, 2013: Reviewed