The Story of Babar the Little Elephant by Jean de Brunhoff

The Story of Babar the Little Elephant (Babar)

by Jean de Brunhoff

The classic story of literature’s most beloved elephant. After his mother is killed by a hunter, Babar avoids capture by escaping to the city, where he is befriended by the kindly Old Lady. Later, with cousins Celeste and Arthur, he returns to the great forest to be crowned King of the Elephants. With the original illustrations from Jean de Brunhoff's 1931 classic, this first Babar story has enchanted generations.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

3 of 5 stars

Reprinted and/or excerpt included in [b:The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury: Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud|238068|The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury Celebrated Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud|Janet Schulman||230604]. Also in [b:Babar's Anniversary Album: 6 Favorite Books|502370|Babar's Anniversary Album 6 Favorite Books|Jean de Brunhoff||490434].

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  • 15 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 15 January, 2013: Reviewed