Reviewed by chemicalscream on

4 of 5 stars

Also posted on my book blog MEReadALOT.

You guys... this book didn't piss me off like Tied With Me did. THANK GOD. I actually enjoyed this book a lot better than Tied With Me, but if you've read my rant with Tied With Me, you'll know that it hit a sore spot for me... so.. yeah.

Breathe With Me is a second chance romance. Mark and Meredith were High School Sweethearts with plans of moving to New York City. That is, until Meredith decided to pursue her dreams on her own and breaking Mark’s heart. When I read that scene I shook my fist and started calling her names. Why does one leave the person they’re so much in love with? I cried for her and for Mark when she did that. I understand now why Mark turned into playboy. It’s hard to fall in love with someone when another already possesses your heart. I’m so glad that fate brought them back together again. When M & M meet again, it’s under sad circumstances, but it was like no time had passed at all between them.

While I liked this book a lot more than the last one, My mother (who actually discovered this series when the first one came out and suggested that I read it.) and I both agree that it’s not as good as the first so many in the series. Unfortunately that’s usually what happens when there’s quite a few books in a series. Oh well! It’s not a bad book, so I hope that doesn’t keep you from reading this book..I just wanted to inform you to not expect greatness while reading it. I’m hoping that Dominic’s book will be better. We shall see!

Some of my favorite quotes from this book:

“If she ever tries to leave me, I’m going with her. This life doesn’t work without her.” - Luke referring to his wife, Natalie.

“I still think of her as mine. After all this time, when I think of Meredith, she’s my Meredith.
Irrational? Yes.
Stupid? Most definitely.
But I don’t give a fuck.”
- Mark Williams

“We’re not friends, Mark,” I reply sadly. “We’re strangers with memories.” - Meredith Summers to Mark Williams

“There were days … that I would have exchanged a year of my life just to touch you one more time. You are my biggest what if.” - Mark Williams to Meredith Summers

One last thing before I go…. I can’t be the only who finds the Cover Models kind of ugly…. or am I? Hmmm!

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  • Started reading
  • 27 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 27 June, 2014: Reviewed