Shadows Strike by Dianne Duvall

Shadows Strike (Immortal Guardians, #6)

by Dianne Duvall

The Immortal Guardians protect the innocent in secret. Sometimes the secret gets out...

U.S. law enforcement agent Heather Lane can read minds. But not the future. The dream of battle and blood that recurs every night must be a fluke, some obscure terror from her own mind. What its significance might be, she can't guess: an attack from seven psychotic vampires at once, only separated from nightmare by an eighth very different immortal. A handsome, brave man fighting at her side, a man she misses when she wakes.

Then the dream comes true. Heather is flung into a war between predators...

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Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

Fan Casting: Immortal Guardians

I love this series and it truly just keeps getting better and better with each book. The Other is no longer plotting against just the Immortal Guardians. Now they are looking to start the apocalypse. Priorities have changed. It’s no longer just about keeping the vampires and the Immortals a secret. Can the Guardians stop the plot to end the world before it’s too late?

In Shadow Strike, I am torn between what I liked better, the romance between Ethan and Heather or the growing tension as the Other is attempting to start World War 3.

Heather has been waiting in the field next to her house every day at 5:43 a.m. for the past year. She has done this every morning since she began dreaming the same dream that at 5:43 vampires and the most gorgeous man she has ever seen come bursting into that field fighting. Heather can hear other people’s thoughts, but she has never been precognitive. Yet something compels her to wait each morning to see if her dream becomes a reality. Imagine her surprise when one morning they actually burst through into the clearing. It’s a good thing she brought her 9mm with her.

Ethan doesn’t know what Heather is doing there in that field, but if he wasn’t for her he might have had more problems taking on seven vampires without injury. At only 100 years old, Ethan hasn’t yet built the strength and speed needed to take on so many vampires by himself.

Even though their introduction was unconventional, there is no question about the instant attraction both feel. Sadly, there might not be enough time left in the world for them to get to know each other better.

The Other who is working against Seth and his Immortal Guardians is ready to take things to the next level. He is no longer satisfied with just trying to torture and torment Seth. He wants to destroy the world. He is building an army of vampires in hopes of sparking World War 3.

The head of the Guardian’s Network, Chris Reordan, wants to sway Heather’s father, an army General, onto their side. Heather wants to help but is concerned that if her father won’t agree then erasing his memory of the Guardians could cause him irreparable brain damage. Ethan is torn between his loyalty to the Immortals and to protecting the humans, and forcing the woman he is falling in love with to chose the fate of the world over the life of her father.

Time is ticking and if they can’t find the Other soon, they may no longer be able to leave the choice to Heather. The entire world is a risk from an unstoppable vampire army. If the Other succeeds in unleashing the vampires against the United States Army under the guise of a terrorist attack, it may be too to stop Armageddon.

This book is full of tension and suspense I couldn’t put it down. It was to the point that I was thinking “This is no time for sexy naked time! Do you realize what just happened?” Really, who wants to hurry along the hot sex scenes to get back to the storyline? That’s crazy talk! But I just had to know what they were going to do next.

With just a few changes, the whole story could have become very dark and depressing. I would have hated to see that happen because I like this series and these characters so much. I was concerned during several scenes that things were going to go really bad, but thank God it’s paranormal romance where everyone has sex and a HEA and not an Urban Fantasy where main characters get tortured and chewed on.

I loved Ethan when we first met him in Night Unbound. I thought that Ethan’s special and very boring ability would become crucial in this story, but it seems it is actually so boring and useless and she couldn’t even write in a scene where it would be helpful.

I am not certain whether Aiden will be hero of the next story. I am torn between wanting to give the guy his HEA and telling him to stop his f*cking whining. “Everyone has found love but me.” “I’ve been so alone for so long.” He really does sound desperate and pathetic and he is actually getting quite stalkerish since there was a scene where he helped a woman change her tire which he had flattened in an attempt to meet her. Stalker! And what is he going to do if they hit it off. Someday she’ll be telling him how lucky she was that he came along to help and he is going to have to confess to his stalker attack on her car. I am not sure if I am sorry for him or completely annoyed by him.

I can’t recommend this series enough. I just love this group of characters and the stories just get more interesting. Bastian is still my guy although Zach comes in a close second. I guess I just like the black sheeps.

Received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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