When Snow Falls by Brenda Novak

When Snow Falls (Whiskey Creek, #2)

by Brenda Novak

After growing up in cheap motels, moving from town to town with her sister and mother, Cheyenne Christensen is grateful to be on her own. She's grateful, too, for the friends she found once her family settled in California. But she's troubled by the mystery of her earliest memories, most of which feature a smiling blonde woman. A woman who isn't her mother.

Although Cheyenne has repeatedly asked for explanations, the people who could help aren't talking. Cheyenne is set on finding answers, but without so much as a birth certificate, it won't be easy.

Things get...

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Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

This was a sweet romance. Though I can't say I'm a huge fan of the core group of friends in the book. As a group they're kind of judgmental and bitchy. I suspect each will get their own story sooner or later, so maybe I'll warm up to them then! I also wasn't a big fan of Joe, who seems to be rather milquetoast.

I was going to complain about them talking about Unsolved Mysteries as a true crime show, because it has been off the air for SO long and the book was published in 2012. But then I looked it up and found out they revived the series for a couple of years in 2008. Who knew?

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  • Started reading
  • 1 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2015: Reviewed