Reviewed by Angie on

1 of 5 stars

I seriously have no idea what I just read. Dragon Call is all over the place! When it opens, Cora is at some kind of supernatural gathering, meets Greg, feels an attraction and annoyance toward him. Then later (I don’t know how time is passing at all!) she’s with her mom and sister who are telling her to go for him, and suddenly she’s on the train and getting off in Chinatown where she goes to his shop. They seem to hit it off, but then again later (how is time passing?!?!) she meets Salim, and I don’t even know how she feels about him, attracted maybe, scared maybe? I don’t know. Then all of a sudden Cora accidentally summons dragon spirits who want to have sex with her. What?!

Dragon Call was just confusing! It jumps from scene to scene and I never knew if it was the next day, next week, or just a few minutes later! Cora seems to be attracted to Greg, but then she’s having sex with Salim (and his dragon?) and Greg is suddenly a bad guy. Maybe? Cora also knows absolutely nothing about her magical world despite growing up in it, and trying to separate herself from it later in life for unknown reasons. What even is this mess of a story?!

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  • Started reading
  • 9 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2015: Reviewed