Sweet as Sin by J. T. Geissinger

Sweet as Sin (Bad Habit, #1)

by J. T. Geissinger

Inside a drop-dead sexy, hard-partying rock star lies a good heart...and a dark secret.

Twentysomething Kat Reid is loving life as an in-demand Hollywood makeup artist. She has absolutely no interest in rock ’n’ roll, but in order to pay the mortgage, she agrees to work on the set of a rock video for the world-famous rockers known as Bad Habit…which brings her face-to-face with Nico Nyx, lead singer of Bad Habit and Adonis in the flesh.

However, the fiercely independent Kat isn’t impressed by the hard-living, womanizing rock star. But when Nico’s model girlfriend shows up to the set drunk and Kat is tapped to replace her as the video’s sexy bride, her combustible chemistry with Nico suddenly threatens to consume the set. Nico feels it, too—and becomes determined to win Kat over, body and soul. Yet behind his rock god swagger, Nico hides a dark secret. Can he rock Kat’s world forever, or will he just break her heart?

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

2 of 5 stars

For the first 40% of this book, I was loving it! I thought it was funny and sweet. Then it took a sharp left into crazy town. The craziness that was Nico's family is one thing, but his behavior was just not ok. I don't mind alpha males; Nico was just a jerk though. He punished Kat all the time because he was a crazy psycho. His actions went well beyond 'alpha male' and it made me really uncomfortable. And I was pissed that Kat just took it. Hell, she even blamed herself for upsetting him!!! Ugh! I had so much hope for this book at the beginning and I stuck through it when we made the turn into crazy town hoping that it would be salvaged by the end. There was a little improvement but not enough to save this book. Major bummer!

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  • Started reading
  • 26 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 April, 2015: Reviewed