Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank Random House Publishing Group – Loveswept and NetGalley for allowing me to review Rebellious by Gillian Archer.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Rebellious from Random House Publishing Group – Loveswept through NetGalley for free for my honest review.”

Now onto my review:

I devoured this book!!! Seriously, I went to bed early last night (I was exhausted) and decided to read Rebellious. I finished it in under 2 hours….lol. I was that engrossed by it. Put it this way, I didn’t even notice when BK came to bed, that’s how into the book I was.

I was a little “eh” on Emily’s character. It think it was her obsession with Reb’s penis and its piercing. Now granted, having a piercing at the top of the penis is pretty awesome and I am glad that the author highlighted it, but to have Emily almost obsess over it really got on my nerves. And then she spills it to all the MC biker ladies at Jessica’s bridal shower. WTH….lol.

Still on the subject of Emily, the storyline of her stalker absolutely sucked. I don’t even know why it was in there except to show how vulnerable/innocent/unworldly she was and how protective/crazy Reb is. Put it this way, I figured out who was doing the damage to her car and who vandalized Reb’s house about halfway through the book. Not that it took away from the book but I do think that it could have been left out.

Reb’s character I actually liked. He was the kind of guy that every girl dreams of having. Hot, tattooed, a devoted father and extremely protective of his family. He just happens to dabble in criminal activity on the side and the author didn’t attempt to make it sweet or that they were just a bunch of guys getting together and riding motorcycles. Plus, as Emily pointed out on many occasion, he was hung and fantastic in bed.

I do like that there is absolutely zero Instalove in this book. Zero. Zilch. Nada. I mean, there was lust but no Instalove. I mean, about a month into their relationship (another thing I liked, the book had months/dates at the beginning of each chapter), “I love you” was said but that was it. No immediate plans for marriage or kids. Just two people enjoying each other’s company and bodies.

The ending was what I expected but still was good. Everyone got what was coming to them.

How many stars will I give Rebellious? 4

Why? A great MC romance with characters that you come to like/love. I do think that the stalker element could have been cut out but hey, I didn’t write the book.

Will I reread? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Lots of explicit sex and tons of violence

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  • Started reading
  • 14 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2016: Reviewed