Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

What better way to avoid a prince then working at the Palace’s bake tent at the Summer Sea Carnival?
In Black Arts, Tarts & Gypsy Carts by Erin Johnson, the fun-loving and sometimes sassy characters from Seashells, Spells, & Caramels are back in the second installment of this brand-new cozy mystery series. Of course, along with the characters, we all know and love will have to deal with a crazy new mystery. They even find out a lot more than they bargained for. My favorite character would still have to be the main character. Imogen Banks. She’s still such as sassy and friendly person ever. Especially with being thrown into a new world after earning a spot in the Palace as a baker.

What I like about this book:

That despite Imogen’s protests, to herself, she still really does like Hank/Prince Harry.
Imogen’s stubbornness really shows through. When she is dealing with Hank/Prince Harry trying to get her to take magic lessons. Trying to solve the mysteries, in the book, without endangering her friends who want to protect her.
I did like how she found a loophole to getting someone to help her learn her magic.
The one thing I have to say that I like the most is the sayings they say in Bijou Mer. Like “Sea snakes” – everyone. Or “When the fog clears” – Maple White.
I also like the subtle hints of perhaps two love triangles may be or start going on between some of the characters.

What I didn’t like about this book:
What I didn’t like was how stubborn and cruel Inspector Bon can be once he thinks he figured out the mystery without really doing much with trying to solve the mystery. Inspector Bon also has never liked Imogen anyways. Another thing I don’t like is how everyone thinks they know the correct way to help Imogen with her magic. When it’s apparent no one does. Except for maybe Hank/Prince Harry.

What I am curious about:

Is who Imogen’s real family?
Will she learn who she fully is?
Why Horace, leader of the Badland Army, wants her so badly?

Five Stars
Black Arts, Tarts & Gypsy Carts by Erin Johnson is a great book that I devoured in a day. I so didn’t want to put it down for any reason but I had to so that I could eat or give attention to my cat. This book is getting five stars and I’m recommending it to anyone that likes paranormal mixed with a cozy mystery.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2018: Reviewed