Highland Velvet by Jude Deveraux

Highland Velvet

by Jude Deveraux

Bronwyn MacArran was a proud Scot. Stephen Montgomery was one of the hated English.
He came to Scotland as a conqueror, saw her beauty and was vanquished. But still she would abhor him.
She owned a temper hot enough to forge the armors of battle or inflame a valiant soldier's passion. Yet still she would resist him.
She became his reason to live, his reason to love. And still she would deny him.
But while clan fought clan, while brother took up sword against brother, and the highlands ran with blood -- their destiny was...Read more

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

She's a cranky little thing...

I really enjoyed this audio and the step back in time it gave me. I remember Stephen Montgomery as my first love. Every man I met was compared to him. Sure, I didn't meet a lot of English men who became Scottish and wore a kilt, but I wanted a man to love me fiercely. Stephen loved Bronwyn...and she didn't even deserve it.

Bronwyn is fierce and determined. It's hard to be a woman and Laird of your clan. The bloody English have caused pain and heartache for her people. Bronwyn is sickened to learn that the English king wants an English man (of his choosing) by her side as a husband. She must marry her enemy, so it's no surprise she's hardly jumping for joy at meeting her husband to be...and...he's three days late.

Historical romances have changed a lot over the years. We expect it to be true to the time...only if there is no raping, pillaging, infidelity or abuse. Hmmm...unfortunately, that's almost impossible. My acceptance of accuracy over romantic fairytales has changed my expectations. I think this was definitely closer to historically accurate than fairytales.

The narrator does a fantastic job and it was very easy to listen to.

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  • 9 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 9 January, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 9 January, 2018: Reviewed