Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

2 of 5 stars

Cassidy drops out of an internship to work at a club. It is there where she meets Gage and her new friends. But Cassidy isn't really sure of what she wants and while trying to figure it out, she hurts the people that care for her the most.

To me, Cassidy was a very self-absorbed character. She doesn't deserve the love that Gage provides. It is true that they didn't really define their relationship in the beginning but she betrayed and hurt Gage. She cheated on him and left with Luca, a member of a band, to go on tour with him. For the majority of the book if not all, I couldn't stand Cassidy. There was no real character development in her until the very beginning and by then, my opinion of her had been made

On the other hand, Gage is the sweetest character and he doesn't deserve someone like Cassidy. He was there for Cassidy through anything and everything and even after the betrayal, he was still there for her. Now, Vera was a great addition to the story. She is Cassidy's co-worker and she brings life to the story, which I totally loved.

The story could've been done a whole lot better than it was or at least change Cassidy's character. I recommend this to those that love lots of sex scenes and drama.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 September, 2015: Reviewed