The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2)

by Maggie Stiefvater


The second thrilling book in Maggie Stiefvater's The
Raven Cycle quartet.
Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing
for Blue and Gansey will be the same. Ronan is falling more and
more deeply into his dreams ... and his dreams are intruding more
and more into waking life.

Gansey is needed at home, and is struggling to stay in Aglionby.
And Adam? He's made some new friends. Friends that are looking
for some of the same pieces of the puzzle that Gansey, Blue, and
Ronan are after.

Great power is at stake, and someone must be willing to wield

Absolutely addictive writing for teen girls … and grown-up
girls… Magic, mystery and adventure at every turn

From the bestselling author of Shiver, Linger
and Forever which all debuted at #1 on the UK book bestseller

Film rights to The Raven Cycle have been acquired 


Reviewed by Mackenzie on

3 of 5 stars

After falling in love with The Raven Boys, I just had to jump straight into the next book. Oh, the joys have having more than one book in the series out! And then learning it focuses on Ronan who is a total pain in the derrière but you know has a heart of gold hidden under a mountain of barbed wire that only a few are able to actually see (Ronan + Chainsaw = Adorable) made me all the more excited.

Then I started reading and at the beginning I was so giddy and the words were so beautiful and all the boys were so adorable and Blue was so sassy and…..

I just wasn’t that interested I say as I hide in fear

Tom Hiddleston is here to placate those who disagree – because he makes everything better.

There! I said it, OKAY?! I, the author of this post, did not love The Dream Thieves. #NoShame.

Why not? How could I not like it that much when I just went on about how the boys were still so adorably loyal (#friendshipgoals) and Blue was amazing and sassy and the writing was heaven sent? My biggest problem was……

The plot

Well, it’s really more of a love/hate relationship.

Though I knew the plot would place a heavier focus on Ronan, I feel as if the original plot (you know, the whole point of this story?) was completely left out. Not even pushed to the wayside, but like wayyyyy out in left field. Or behind the bleachers. Point is, part of the appeal from the first book, questing (!!), was nonexistent.

But, but, but….the plot focuses on Ronan and his dreaminess traveling which I thought I would’ve loved. And I did, actually. It was intriguing and creepy and magical. But the reason this plot line wasn’t wholly redeemable was because of…….


This guy was just friggin weird. And his interactions with Ronan were just friggin weird. And the whole thing was just friggin weird. He was a total creeper and just whacked out.

I think this was a big factor for me: the first book was magical and whimsical, but this book crossed the line to just. plain. weird.

The final blow?

It’s a spoiler. I think. But I don’t want to ruin anything so, SPOILER TAGS! Grant it, you do find out towards the beginning (I think?) but just in case (been a bit since I read it). Read at your own risk.

Her mom dates a hit man. Cause, ya know, THAT’S TOTALLY NORMAL! Oh, you’re a hit man? That totally seems legit and like a great job and in no way ILLEGAL. Wanna grab some dinner?

Okay, I think she “supposedly” does it to get information (or I think that is how it’s supposed to come across), but I don’t feel like that’s how it came across. Grant it, he’s redeemable. But still. Blue has more sense than her own mother. Who is the adult here again?

Okay, final one. Adam kinda got on my nerves too (though details are fuzzy). Too friggin stubborn and determined and damaged and I love him but want him to understand they are just trying to help and it’s ok to have help!

So, yes. I was disappointed. Despite my problems, believe it or not, I didn’t hate it. But I found myself easily putting it down which I did not do with its predecessor. But the writing is still breathtaking and Gansey is still adorable (as are all the boys – except Adam who I wanted to hug and punch simultaneously) and Blue is still awesomely adorable too. But, this series is still redeemable. The 3rd book goes back to it’s awesome roots! Too bad the 4th one is so far away and I totally thought this was a trilogy.

Original review can be found on my blog Oh, For the Love of Books!

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  • Started reading
  • 15 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 March, 2015: Reviewed