Hexed by Kevin Hearne

Hexed (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #2)

by Kevin Hearne


'American Gods meets Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden' SFF World

Atticus O'Sullivan, last of the Druids, doesn't care much for witches. Still, he's about to make nice with the local coven by signing a mutually beneficial nonaggression treaty - when suddenly the witch population in modern-day Tempe, Arizona, quadruples overnight. And the new girls are not just bad, they're bad-asses with a dark history on the German side of World War II.

With a fallen angel feasting on local high school students, a horde of Bacchants blowing in from Vegas with their special brand of deadly decadence and a dangerously sexy Celtic goddess of fire vying for his attention, Atticus is having trouble scheduling the witch hunt. But aided by his magical sword, his neighbor's rocket-propelled grenade launcher, and his vampire attorney, Atticus is ready to sweep the town and show the witchy women they picked the wrong Druid to hex.

Praise for the Iron Druid Chronicles:

'Atticus and his crew are a breath of fresh air! . . . I love, love, love this series' My Bookish Ways

'Entertaining, steeped in a ton of mythology, populated by awesome characters' Civilian Reader

'This is one series no fantasy fan should miss. Mystery, suspense, magic and mayhem' SciFiChick

The Iron Druid Chronicles
Besieged (short stories)

Kevin Hearne's epic fantasy novel A PLAGUE OF GIANTS - described by Delilah S. Dawson as 'a rare masterpiece that's both current and timeless . . . merging the fantasy bones of Tolkien and Rothfuss with a wide cast of characters who'll break your heart'. Out now!

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

A priest, a rabbi, and a witch walk into a Druid’s bookshop…no, that’s not the start of a joke. That’s just the start of this story and it just never stops.

Spoiler warning: This story builds off of Book 1 so there are things that will be discussed.
NOTE: I picked up the audiobook on sale and don’t have print copy so I am at a loss for some spelling of names in this review.

Atticus is dealing with the fallout from the battle with Aenghus Óg. First there is the matter of the energy the Celtic God drew from the land, killing the land for miles around, and then there is the demons that escaped the hell pit he opened up and decided to make a run for it rather than fight.

Coyote, the Native American Trickster God, has come to Atticus to clean up the mess that was created because of him, including killing a fallen angel who is now snacking on teens at a local high school.

The local witches want sign a truce with Atticus, but Atticus doesn’t have much trust in witches. They do let him know that the Roman God Bacchus is sending his followers, the Bacchans, to Tempe, AZ, and ask for his help getting them out since followers of Bacchus create orgies, unrest and spread disease. Atticus is hoping to finally settle into Tempe for awhile and decides to help them. Atticus approaches the Hindu witch formerly residing in the body his new apprentice Granuaile, Laksha Kulasekaran. Laksha agrees but her price is a Golden Apple from Asgard (of Old Norse folklore) that will give her long life in her new body. Atticus agrees and puts that on his to-do list. But getting rid of the Bacchans doesn’t go as smoothly as they all hoped and they might be returning to Las Vegas for reinforcements. Fighting a horde of Bacchans, something else to add to his to-do list.

But before Atticus can go to Asgard to grab a Golden Apple for Laksha, he first has to deal with the German Witches who has suddenly shown up in Town. These are witches Atticus dealt with once before during WWII and which seem to be holding a grudge against the Tempe witches.

As if that isn’t enough for one Druid to handle, a Priest and a Rabbi walk into Atticus’s bookstore asking a lot a weird questions and are pretty insistent about getting a look at Atticus’s rare book collection.

And did I mention that Atticus’s weird neighbor who keeps calling the cops on him has a grenade launcher in his garage? Or that Atticus’s vampire lawyer Leif won’t speak to Atticus unless he agrees to help Leif get to Asgard to kill Thor. (Apparently Thor is a great big asshat in this series and everyone hates him.)

This is a crazy story which just never stopped. What I liked best is that we don’t just deal with Roman Gods, Greek Gods, Norse Gods, Celtic Gods, etc., Atticus gets the Virgin Mary to come down to earth to bless some arrows so that he can fight the fallen angel, and he tells her to let Jesus know that Atticus will take him out for a beer next time he comes around…and he does (but that’s Book 3). There is nothing taboo here and the story just balances so well, such as if you are fighting demons from the Christian’s hell realm, you need the help of a Christian God.

I can’t stop and I am currently on Book 4. I am going to hate catching up on this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 19 October, 2016: Reviewed