Enticing Violence by Theresa M Jones

Enticing Violence (Empyrean Chronicles, #2)

by Theresa M Jones

Lily and Alec are only pawns in a war much larger than they'd imagined.

Lily still wants to complete her mission: Avenge her parents. But when Lynn- the leader of the Rebels in Muircadia- is captured, and Rita- daughter to the evil Lord Nettles- is sentenced to death, it's up to Lily, Alec, and the very select few Fae they trust, to try to save them all before it's too late.

When all you do is fight for your life, how do you find time to live?
How do you love when hope is always slipping away?

This is a full length novel, complete at 80,000 words. It is a YOUNG ADULT urban fantasy, and is appropriate for readers 15 and up. (some language and sensuality.)

Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

I was excited to read the second book in the series as I really enjoyed the first book. This book carries on from where the first left off with just a small amount of time passing in between. Lily and Alec continue their quest to find Lily's parents murderers. They join the Rebels who are trying to over throw the King and give the Kingdom to the rightful heir which is Lily. There is a lot of fighting and violence in this book.
Lily also has to learn to use her powers, as she is half Sylph and half Pixie she could have been spoilt but she was lucky and had both powers, one which was easy to come by but the other needed much work to get right.
She also had her emotions to deal with, falling in love with Alec and him blowing hot and cold was confusing for her. Will he confess his true feelings or will he keep blowing hot and cold with her? Will they find those who killed her parents? and how many deaths will happen along the way? You will have to read it to find out.
It is a gripping read and I could not put it down, I needed to know what would happen next and there are a few twists in it.

*I received a free copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest unbiased review.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 26 April, 2016: Reviewed