Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Five reasons to grab a cup of Joe and curl up with Every Move She Makes

  • The Setting: From the rugged High Sierra campground to the charming coffee shop/book store the protagonist owns in the Napa Valley I found myself feeling right at home with the setting. I love small-towns and their close-knit communities. Rachel lives in a Victorian home complete with a picket fence, children and an over-sized dog.

  • Characters: Rachel Carpenter, former soap star, divorcee and single mother of three girls, she felt genuine and I quickly connected. She relocated to the Napa Valley to be closer to family and open up a bookstore to support her family. She does not date often, and has her head on straight. Kane Lafferty is a police detective on leave after a shooting went wrong. He is burned out and struggling with his own demons when he meets Rachel, through a friend. Kane is sweet, protective and the man can cook. Yum. The kids will steal your heart even the oldest who is snarky, fiercely independent, and fourteen with purple hair!

  • The Plot: I love a good suspenseful story and Gallant built up the suspense. We know someone is watching and we even get a glimpse inside this obsessed fan's mind. It was chilling as he became bolder. To me it was like watching a scary movie where a musical score begins and you know something bad is going to happen. That is how the tale unfolds, you are part of their daily lives, see Kane and Rachel form a relationship and all the while, they are unaware. Eep!

  • The Romance: If you like slow-burning romances with low-heat, sweet moments and dogs underfoot then Every Move She Makes, has a romance you will enjoy. While Rachel and Kane spend more time together, the romance did not overshadow the suspense and their feelings felt genuine. The kids forced things to develop slowly despite the sexual tension between them.

  • The writing: Gallant created a suspenseful tale as she increased the intensity with every page. She fleshed out the characters and kept them grounded with small-town living and daily life. The tale was realistic without over the top drama or unrealistic action scenes.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 7 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 7 February, 2015: Reviewed