Reviewed by wyvernfriend on
I was sucked in by the characters, the way they came to life off the page. I really did care for them and wanted to see what happened, even if it was flagged and inevitable.
And that was part of the problem with the book, the sheer number of characters involved in the story, it was almost overwhelming sometimes to keep track of what was going on and the politics involved.
It was amusing to read a book where some of the earthbound scenes were in the UK and UK slang was involved. It was actually quite amusing to mentally have to make that leap to accept SF written by a UK author that wasn't from 50 years ago.
I'm so glad I intercepted one of her later works a few months ago and found myself immersed in the works of Justina Robson, I have yet to actively dislike any of her books.
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- 6 January, 2008: Reviewed