Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank

Jacob (Nightwalkers, #1)

by Jacquelyn Frank

Since time began, there have been Nightwalkers - the races of the night who live in the shadows of the moonlight. Love with humans is absolutely forbidden, and one man makes certain to uphold this ancient law: Jacob, the Enforcer . . .

Jacob knows the excuses his people give when the madness overtakes them and they fall prey to their lust for humans. He's heard every one and still brings the trespassers to justice. Immune to forbidden desires, uncontrollable hungers, or the curse of the moon, his control is total . . . until the moment he sees Isabella on a shadowy New York City street. Saving her life wasn't in his plans. But the moment he holds her in his arms and feels the soft explosion of her body against his, and the overwhelming feelings she arouses in him, everything changes. Their attraction is undeniable, volatile - and completely against the law. And suddenly everything Jacob has ever believed is inflamed by the heat of desire.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

Since I started out this series thinking for some odd reason the Damien was the first book, I had read that first. So I decided better start from the beginning, and well so I did and it put some things into perspective, and I understand some things a little more now like a little but more on Ruth. But this book was very enjoyable to read. Books like me is the reason I lo e books so much, that with all the crap that can go on in and outside a relationship they always manage to work things out

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  • Started reading
  • 8 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2013: Reviewed